Board of Advisors
is Vice-chair of the International Commission on Radiological Protection; over two decades, he was the Director for Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety of the IAEA.

is scientist at the IAASA, Austria. Before he was managing the IAEA's Programme C which includes Planning and Economic Studies, Nuclear Information, Nuclear KM and the Library.

Adviser of Director General of State Corporation ROSATOM; Deputy Director General of IAEA until February 2015; Director General of Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (Dimitrovgrad, Russia).

Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Pavia, Italy; from 1986 to 2002, he was Director of the IAEA Research Laboratories.

Dir. Int. Center Nuclear Education, National Research Nuclear University, Moscow; Dir. Center NKM (IATE-Obninsk), Dir. Russian Association Nuclear Science and Education (RANSE).

INPRO Group Leader at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna Austria provided by the U.S. Department of State. Former Director at the US Department of Homeland Security.

is Commissioner at the Atomic Energy Commission of Japan and Professor at the University of Tokyo. Until 2009 he was director of the Division of Nuclear Power at the IAEA.

Vice-Rector, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Rosatom Central Institute for Continuing Education & Training, Obninsk, Russia.

Director General of the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS), former President of the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)
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