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VINCC - Vienna International Nuclear Competence Centre

The objective of VINCC is the global improvement of competence in the use of nuclear technologies for the benefit of innovative, peaceful, safe, secure, sustainable applications.

The VINCC is a knowledge network of industrial and scientific organizations driving nuclear development for peaceful, safe, secure and competitive applications. Its main objective is to provide nuclear competence and nuclear infrastructure support.

VINCC is a network made “by the companies for the companies” with the specific intent to promote and to create an integrated supply chain in different segments of nuclear technology, and to aggregate competence of small and medium sized enterprises. 

It is aimed at consolidating and capturing the actual and future technical expertise thanks also to the cooperation with research centers and universities specialized in nuclear education, training and R&D. 

VINCC is a cluster promoted and supported by important firms, leaders in the nuclear field, recognized as a supplier of excellence, providing quality services and products.

It is initiated, hosted and facilitated by the Nuclear Knowledge Management Institute, was found in September 2014.


SmartFuel is a solution providing means of registration, control, planning of and reporting on the cycle of nuclear and non-nuclear elements on the NPP premises.

Latest News

4th Annual Meeting of VINCC members

4th Annual Meeting of VINCC members

On 23 January 2018 the Vienna Nuclear Competence Centre (VINCC) annual meeting was held at Tech Gate, Donau-City Strasse 1, Vienna, Austria. The meeting was broadly attended by members. New ideas and strategies for VINCC's…

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The Board of Advisors with a new member

The Board of Advisors with a new member

Dr. Alexander Bychkov (Russian Federation) is the youngest member of the Advisory Board of VINCC. Dr. Bychkov is an Adviser of Director General of State Corporation ROSATOM. Before that he was a Deputy Director General…

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