Sophisticated Communications and Networking Platform
- we connect our members with the principle aim of fostering and coordinating their activities on an international level with regular visibility in Vienna / IAEA
Competence Cluster
- we maintain a roster of high-profile, competent experts in different areas and make them available to VINCC members in order to improve the quality of services provided by them
Build Consortia, Generate Business Opportunities
- VINCC is a horizontal value chain. We deliver shared strategies, research, marketing and enterprise services aimed at providing the customer with an integrated, holistic offering - “complete package”
Consulting Service
- we provide guidance and consulting on regulatory, organisational, legal, economic and technical issues, both in countries that already apply nuclear technologies and in developing countries willing to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes
Leveraging Nuclear Knowledge
- we share know-how and experience by holding conferences, panel discussions, and training courses devoted to specific topics of interest to our members and the nuclear community
Generating Public Awareness
- we engage and promote a wide discussion between stakeholders on the opportunities and risks of nuclear energy
Key Initiatives
The VINCC Competence Cluster can assemble a comprehensive range of nuclear competences including:
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